LWV Tells PAAC "You find ADA Meeting Room"
Candidates forum in Graeagle
"Voting is the right from which all other rights spring."~ Thomas Payne
The heart of this problem (see email below) is accessibility.
There is no place (that we are aware) of Public Assembly in the Eastern
part of Plumas County where such a venue that the League requests (see
below) can be held and where accessibility standards are completely met.
As CAO of the County and proponent of an informed citizenry who are
encouraged to vote, we place this request in your hands to solve.
PAAC as always, will help but the County is certainly (to a great extent)
ultimately responsible for this problem.
For example, the County missed the June election deadline for accessibility
at the Portola Vets Hall and except for the Mohawk Community Center (which
Supervisor Comstock feels should be closed) and which is too small a hall
for this event (I'm checking out the number of souls the fire marshal will
allow), there seems no other place in Eastern Plumas where such a meeting
could meet the requirements requested.
The Graeagle fire hall has no painted blue zones and its rest rooms are not
accessible. The Graeagle Community Center is also not fully accessible.
PAAC awaits your reply to this important issue. We know you can help.
Thank you, Joseph Abbott, MD. coordinator PAAC
From: Joyce Scroggs scroggs@inreach.com
To: Joseph Abbott jabbottmd@mindspring.com
CC: LWV Plumas Members lwvplu@inreach.com
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 14:43:13 -0700
Subject: Candidates forum in Graeagle
Dear Joe--The League of Women Voters of Plumas County is planning our fall
candidates forums. We have tentative set Tuesday, October 3 for our forum in
Graeagle. We're hoping that you will help us find a location for the forum
which is in compliance with ADA standards and will be available to us at no
cost. We do not budget for rental of space for our forums, and we have been advised by
the Fire Dept. and Community Hall that there will likely be a charge for our
community service forum.
We're hoping that you know of alternative locations that will meet the
needs of all residents of Graeagle and Mohawk Valley.
Thank you, in advance, for your
willingness to help us.--Joyce
Joyce Scroggs
Home 283-0795
I've been away (remote Canadian Rockies) and my substitute was fishing in Montana. So no email contact; sorry.
I've written to Jack Ingstad (and cc'ed you) who should be able to help.
I think this is a good problem to solve. I'll be in touch as things evolve.
I'll be in Plumas on Monday PM at 530-836-2014.
You folks are also invited to our meeting as listed below and would be very welcome:
The next Plumas Advocates for Access Coalition PAAC meeting is to be held on Thursday August 31, 2006 from 10AM to noon at the Mohawk Community Center at the junction of State Routes 89 an 70.
Joseph Abbott, MD. coordinator PAAC
At 02:43 PM 7/24/2006, you wrote:
Dear Joe--The League of Women Voters of Plumas County is planning our fall
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