Where access [or lack of access] to our communities can be documented

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Plumas County: Is This Retaliation?

This email is a raw example of how the Public Works Official in Plumas County has decided (likely on his own?) to handle a complaint from a group of concerned citizens. It appears on its face to be a classic example of discrimination. We of the coalition, eagerly await your investigation of the Plumas County Public Works Department. Joseph Abbott, MD. coordinator Plumas Advocates for Access Coalition

Mr. Ingstad: Please review Mr. Hunter's email below.

Is this the official position of the County of Plumas? Is this a new County
policy? All other County departments cooperate with Plumas citizens via
email, FAX, phone, and in person, so why is Public Works (Mr. Hunter) an

Do not a group of concerned Plumas citizens who file a complaint regarding
a Plumas County department's apparent lack of performance deserve a direct
answer to their legitimate concerns?

It was not one lone person who filed this complaint but a coalition of
concerned citizens who seek accessibility to County roads, sidewalks,
buildings, parks, etc. Public places belong to everyone not just a chosen
few. And it's the law that accessibility to Public places, including
streets, be provided. To do otherwise smacks of rank discrimination.

The Coalition requests a formal response from you regarding Mr. Hunter's
disingenuous message to the Plumas Advocates for Access Coalition.

I have also invited Mr. Hunter to the August meeting of the PAAC (by email)
and we the Coalition fully expect his attendance and Plumas Public Works
report regards improving accessibility in the town Blairsden and elsewhere
in Plumas County.

It is my understanding that Mr. Hunter is still a County employee (Public
Servant) under the control and command of the CAO and Board of Supervisors.

Joseph Abbott, MD. coordinator, PAAC

From: "Tom Hunter" pcpw@psln.com
To: "Joseph Abbott" jabbottmd@mindspring.com
Cc: "Kelly Stane" kellystane@countyofplumas.com
"Bob Baiocchi" baiocchi@psln.com
"Betty Heck" bjh@psln.com
"Marcia Ackerman" ivts@psln.com
Subject: Re: Invitation and request
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 13:47:36 -0700

Mr. Abbott, due to your recent filing with the FHWA, I will not be
responding to this request. Furthermore, I will only be responsive to
written signed letters with specific requests. I will not respond to an
email request.

Tom Hunter
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joseph Abbott" jabbottmd@mindspring.com
To: "Tom Hunter" pcpw@psln.com
Cc: "Kelly Stane" kellystane@countyofplumas.com, "Bob Baiocchi"
baiocchi@psln.com, "Betty Heck" bjh@psln.com; "Marcia Ackerman"
Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2006 3:51 PM
Subject: Invitation and request
Can you arrange to have Public Works survey the downtown Blairsden parking
area and report their survey results and recommendations to Plumas
Advocates for Access Coalition (PAAC) at our August 2006 meeting?
In Blairsden, accessible parking spaces seem minimal and poorly signed.
The only accessible parking spot, which is near the near the US mail box, has
the incorrect configuration for driving to the box and the sidewalk access
to the hardware store is blocked by a telephone pole.
The accessible parking slot previously near the bakery and pizza shop
seems to have gone missing and the ramps for side walk access throughout the
town are seemingly inadequate. There seems no accessible parking or ramp near
the Grizzly Grill.
Please let me know about this as PAAC has received adverse comments about
this situation and has promised to engage on the issue.
I'm working on setting up August 31 for the PAAC meeting in Graeagle. I'm
shooting for 10AM to noon. Could some one from Public Works make a
presentation at that meeting regards the above?

Thanks you for the courtesy of a response.
Joseph Abbott, MD.
Coordinator, Plumas Advocates fro Access Coalition (PACAC)


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